Friday, February 28, 2014


The Seven

The Facts: 
Exercises are done as quickly as possible in a cycle for seven rounds. Each round includes 7 handstand pushups, 7 135-pound thrusters, 7 knee to elbows, 7 245-pound deadlifts, 7 burpees, 7 kettlebell swings, and 7 pullups.
- See more at:

The Seven

The Facts: 
Exercises are done as quickly as possible in a cycle for seven rounds. Each round includes 7 handstand pushups, 7 135-pound thrusters, 7 knee to elbows, 7 245-pound deadlifts, 7 burpees, 7 kettlebell swings, and 7 pullups.
- See more at:

he Seven

The Facts: 
Exercises are done as quickly as possible in a cycle for seven rounds. Each round includes 7 handstand pushups, 7 135-pound thrusters, 7 knee to elbows, 7 245-pound deadlifts, 7 burpees, 7 kettlebell swings, and 7 pullups.
- See more at:

he Seven

The Facts: 
Exercises are done as quickly as possible in a cycle for seven rounds. Each round includes 7 handstand pushups, 7 135-pound thrusters, 7 knee to elbows, 7 245-pound deadlifts, 7 burpees, 7 kettlebell swings, and 7 pullups.
- See more at:

he Seven

The Facts: 
Exercises are done as quickly as possible in a cycle for seven rounds. Each round includes 7 handstand pushups, 7 135-pound thrusters, 7 knee to elbows, 7 245-pound deadlifts, 7 burpees, 7 kettlebell swings, and 7 pullups.
- See more at:

he Seven

The Facts: 
Exercises are done as quickly as possible in a cycle for seven rounds. Each round includes 7 handstand pushups, 7 135-pound thrusters, 7 knee to elbows, 7 245-pound deadlifts, 7 burpees, 7 kettlebell swings, and 7 pullups.
- See more at:

he Seven

The Facts: 
Exercises are done as quickly as possible in a cycle for seven rounds. Each round includes 7 handstand pushups, 7 135-pound thrusters, 7 knee to elbows, 7 245-pound deadlifts, 7 burpees, 7 kettlebell swings, and 7 pullups.
- See more at:
 THE SEVEN!! Repeat this circuit 7 times

Wanting a challenge/ just beginning

7r (reps) handstand pushups/ or 7r (reps) shoulder presses standing
7r 135lb thrusters (adjust weight as needed)/ 7r squat down press up with light dumbbells
7r knee to elbow abs (from pull up bar or ab chair)/ 7r one knee  up to 90 off ground from ab chair
7r 250 lb dead lift/ 7r light dead lift
7r bur-pees/ 7r sit to stand from floor to up
7r dumbell swings/ 7r light dumbell swings or frontal raises
7r pullups/ 7r assisted pull ups

The Seven

The Facts: 
Exercises are done as quickly as possible in a cycle for seven rounds. Each round includes 7 handstand pushups, 7 135-pound thrusters, 7 knee to elbows, 7 245-pound deadlifts, 7 burpees, 7 kettlebell swings, and 7 pullups.
- See more at:

The Seven

The Facts: 
Exercises are done as quickly as possible in a cycle for seven rounds. Each round includes 7 handstand pushups, 7 135-pound thrusters, 7 knee to elbows, 7 245-pound deadlifts, 7 burpees, 7 kettlebell swings, and 7 pullups.
- See more at:

The Seven

The Facts: 
Exercises are done as quickly as possible in a cycle for seven rounds. Each round includes 7 handstand pushups, 7 135-pound thrusters, 7 knee to elbows, 7 245-pound deadlifts, 7 burpees, 7 kettlebell swings, and 7 pullups.
- See more at:

The Seven

The Facts: 
Exercises are done as quickly as possible in a cycle for seven rounds. Each round includes 7 handstand pushups, 7 135-pound thrusters, 7 knee to elbows, 7 245-pound deadlifts, 7 burpees, 7 kettlebell swings, and 7 pullups.
- See more at:

The Seven

The Facts: 
Exercises are done as quickly as possible in a cycle for seven rounds. Each round includes 7 handstand pushups, 7 135-pound thrusters, 7 knee to elbows, 7 245-pound deadlifts, 7 burpees, 7 kettlebell swings, and 7 pullups.
- See more at:

The Seven

The Facts: 
Exercises are done as quickly as possible in a cycle for seven rounds. Each round includes 7 handstand pushups, 7 135-pound thrusters, 7 knee to elbows, 7 245-pound deadlifts, 7 burpees, 7 kettlebell swings, and 7 pullups.
- See more at:

The Seven

The Facts: 
Exercises are done as quickly as possible in a cycle for seven rounds. Each round includes 7 handstand pushups, 7 135-pound thrusters, 7 knee to elbows, 7 245-pound deadlifts, 7 burpees, 7 kettlebell swings, and 7 pullups.
- See more at:

The Seven

The Facts: 
Exercises are done as quickly as possible in a cycle for seven rounds. Each round includes 7 handstand pushups, 7 135-pound thrusters, 7 knee to elbows, 7 245-pound deadlifts, 7 burpees, 7 kettlebell swings, and 7 pullups.
- See more at:

The Seven

The Facts: 
Exercises are done as quickly as possible in a cycle for seven rounds. Each round includes 7 handstand pushups, 7 135-pound thrusters, 7 knee to elbows, 7 245-pound deadlifts, 7 burpees, 7 kettlebell swings, and 7 pullups.
- See more at:

The Seven

The Facts: 
Exercises are done as quickly as possible in a cycle for seven rounds. Each round includes 7 handstand pushups, 7 135-pound thrusters, 7 knee to elbows, 7 245-pound deadlifts, 7 burpees, 7 kettlebell swings, and 7 pullups.
- See more at:

The Seven

The Facts: 
Exercises are done as quickly as possible in a cycle for seven rounds. Each round includes 7 handstand pushups, 7 135-pound thrusters, 7 knee to elbows, 7 245-pound deadlifts, 7 burpees, 7 kettlebell swings, and 7 pullups.
- See more at:

The Seven

The Facts: 
Exercises are done as quickly as possible in a cycle for seven rounds. Each round includes 7 handstand pushups, 7 135-pound thrusters, 7 knee to elbows, 7 245-pound deadlifts, 7 burpees, 7 kettlebell swings, and 7 pullups.
- See more at:

The Seven

The Facts: 
Exercises are done as quickly as possible in a cycle for seven rounds. Each round includes 7 handstand pushups, 7 135-pound thrusters, 7 knee to elbows, 7 245-pound deadlifts, 7 burpees, 7 kettlebell swings, and 7 pullups.
- See more at:

The Seven

The Facts: 
Exercises are done as quickly as possible in a cycle for seven rounds. Each round includes 7 handstand pushups, 7 135-pound thrusters, 7 knee to elbows, 7 245-pound deadlifts, 7 burpees, 7 kettlebell swings, and 7 pullups.
- See more at:

The Seven

The Facts: 
Exercises are done as quickly as possible in a cycle for seven rounds. Each round includes 7 handstand pushups, 7 135-pound thrusters, 7 knee to elbows, 7 245-pound deadlifts, 7 burpees, 7 kettlebell swings, and 7 pullups.
- See more at:

Thursday, February 27, 2014


This will be power to your Spirit so rock brotha's and sista's
Think about how the brain works for motivation. The right brain is the generator for the fun passionate creation that seems illogical to the unwise, it actually confuses them but to you who sees past the selfish prideful judgements knows how it will revolutionize the world. KEEP YOUR EYES WIDE OPEN IN THE RIGHT BRAIN.

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

"An inheritance quickly gained at the beginning will not be blessed at the end." Proverbs 20:21 (NIV) s

Slow and steady wins it all fixing eyes straight ahead on what lies before you.

Notice the small gain you will get through fitness, this will bolster your faith and cause a wave of positive hormones to keep disciplining your mind so that your body becomes your slave, not you a slave to your body.

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

New motivation for today!!

Keep your eyes open my love, tell me your strong, promise me!

Monday, February 24, 2014

Information for my clients-- Please read, and may God bless your day. 
Muscular dysfunction- physical inactivity is a primary reason for muscular function
1.       Lower back pain in adults is a result of degeneration
2.       Knee injuries, 100,000 per year resulting as a 70% non-contact injury
3.     Musculoskeletal injuries in 2003 were No.2 reason for physician visits
4.      Work related injuries 40% were strains, sprains (tear/stretch of ligament), 33% involved the trunk, and 60% involved the low back
2.     Falling asleep quicker, feeling more refreshed, light therapy workouts outside help too
3.     More energized, alertness, improved ability to focus,
4.     Stress- frustration, pressure, uncertainty, reduces anger, headaches/stomach aches, reduces hypertension and heart disease
5.     Depression and anxiety will decrease as well- is as effective as psychotherapy, medication for mild to moderate depression
1.     Physiological improvement-cardiorespiratory efficiency, enhances endocrine and serum lipid adaptations, increases metabolic efficiency, incr tissue strength, incr bone density
2.     Physical- dcr body fat, incr lean body mass
3.     Performance- power, strength, balance, endurance, flexibility, speed, agility.
4.     Psychological- promotes positive mood, reduces stress, improves sleep, reduces depression(negativemood, hopelessness), reduces anxiety(worry, fear, doubt, uncertainty), PROMOTES-relaxation, alertness, ability to concentrate, satisfaction, and happiness, energy)
5.     Relieves anger- which improves heart disease and hypertension