Friday, March 28, 2014

What is the connection?

What is the connection? What is the force that moves the electrical signal my brain sends out to my muscle during a squat that causes my neurons to fire neurotransmitters to contract my leg during a squat so I don't rip my knee muscles. That force is in essence why your able to get out of bed every morning! It is the reason your hands turn the wheel when you see something in your periphery to avoid a crash at 75 mph on the highway! This action potential force is the reason your heart beats and speeds up to adapt to the oxygen need in the brain and muscle to continue your sprint or rep! How do you harness this ability and understand it, is it meant to be understood, or do you even want to try to understand it? How come when we die know one knows where this energy goes? Think about it: while running you have an electrical signal to power over a trillion neurons in the head while maintaining your heart beat, your muscle coordination, your cellular homeostasis of heat, oxidation, nutrient absorbtion and toxin removal, and ect (just to say a few). Yet this energy can't be found or harvested when someone dies. Is this energy part of the faith in your life? I believe so. How do we aquire this faith? It comes from a higher motivation and understanding of life. One can only gain more faith through love! This faith has the power to turn dreams into reality, it has the power to eat healthy and discipline yourself for others everyday! When you even attempt this results always are evident even if you only noticed you slept better that night. How can we find about this love. True love lessons come from the one who created love itself. When you dont have to think to keep your heart beating and its already determined when you will die based on your choices and destiny in life, is it not enough to know someone loves you. Have you every asked why you were created and from where you came?

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Meal battle victory for mind, body, and soul, great combo with the isagenix. Naked juice Hemp hearts 10g protein Apples Carrots Alfalfa sports Sushi salmon wrap 24g protein

#swansonsfitness #isagenix #health #heart #mind #soul #fitness

Monday, March 24, 2014

Tell me your strong, tell me you see the future open before your eyes! Now go and hit your goals. Swanson's Fitness (fitness from faith)">

Sunday, March 23, 2014


MEN – includes Masters Men up to 54 years old
Complete as many rounds and repetitions as possible in 14 minutes of:
60-calorie row
50 toes-to-bars
40 wall-ball shots, 20 lb. to 10-foot target
30 cleans, 135 lb.
20 muscle-ups
WOMEN – includes Masters Women up to 54 years old
Complete as many rounds and repetitions as possible in 14 minutes of:
60-calorie row
50 toes-to-bars
40 wall-ball shots, 14 lb. to 9-foot target
30 cleans, 95 lb.
20 muscle-ups
MASTERS MEN – includes Masters Men 55+
Complete as many rounds and repetitions as possible in 14 minutes of:
60-calorie row
50 toes-to-bars
40 wall-ball shots, 20 lb. to 9-foot target
30 cleans, 115 lb.
20 muscle-ups
MASTERS WOMEN – includes Masters Women 55+
Complete as many rounds and repetitions as possible in 14 minutes of:
60-calorie row
50 toes-to-bars
40 wall-ball shots, 10 lb. to 9-foot target
30 cleans, 65 lb.
20 muscle-ups
This workout begins seated on the rower with the monitor set to zero calories. At the call of “3-2-1…Go,” the athlete will grab the handle and begin rowing. If you finish the 20 muscle-ups and return to the rower, you must reset the monitor to zero before rowing.

Monday, March 17, 2014

Today find a workout that challenges your heart rate so that you can have improved high intensity interval workout training.

Is anyone curious about trying some of the Isogenix protein, cleanses, vitamins, enzymes, energy drinks, or meals. If you email me with your name and address I can send a sample of the product to you for free. Just email

Okay this diet/nutrient system works!!! I have a couple clients on it now and I just learned about it.

watch  for weight loss proof

watch for muscle performance proof and increased energy

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Okay this diet/nutrient system works!!! I have a couple clients on it now and I just learned about it.

watch  for weight loss proof

watch for muscle performance proof and increased energy

Start your freedom business

Call me if you wan tot make this happen call me 2625157411 or visit my cite and order today , call me for instructions here is a product brochure

workout for the day lower body

all exercises should be performed 5 times, check your size, 5 reps for power or 10 reps for strength or even 15 reps for body sculpting

exercise list

1. Deep squats to floor
1. sit ups with cross jab

2. single leg kettlebell box jump
2. Plank to mountain climber 1 minute

3 . Single leg box squats it to stand with dumbbell
3. pendulum leg razors for abs

keep the circuits fast high intensity in only rest when you're getting to the light headed

enjoy your workout push hard and get ready to earn the rewards

Friday, March 7, 2014

Let faith ignite your day
3 rounds of:
10 pullups
10 squats
10 pushups
10 back extensions
10 situps
Do a light 15 min jog for warm up with some bicycle sit ups. Its all about
basic movements using just your body weight in this.
For cool down, I would recommend 20 min of cardio,
stretching, and any sort of yoga type moves you may enjoy.

GOD BLESS AND TRAIN HARD- ignite your faith!

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Nutritional truths we need to know! Great read!

Recognizing that our bodies are composed primarily of mineral elements and that
each cell of our living bodies is in a constant process of dying and being
replaced, how do we obtain the necessary elements from the earth that sustain
this process? God in His infinite wisdom created the plant kingdom with the
ability to take up the mineral elements from the earth and convert them into
water-soluble elements that can be easily assimilated by the human body--when
man eats the living foods as designed by God. These inorganic lifeless elements
of the earth must be small enough and must be in a water-soluble state in order
for the body to properly and efficiently assimilate them.

Well, with that said, let's get back to the subject of REFINED TABLE SALT.
Refined Table Salt is actually 97.5% Sodium and Chloride – both elements that
are necessary for life. So, what is the problem with REFINED TABLE SALT?
Let’s look at the differences in Sodium Chloride as found in plant source foods as

(1) SODIUM and CHLORIDE, as found in the LIVING plant and UNREFINED
SEA SALT, are minerals essential for life.

(2) SODIUM and CHLORIDE are found naturally occurring in fresh fruits,
vegetables, seeds and nuts, and unrefined sea salt.

(3) SODIUM and CHLORIDE are totally usable by the body and are in an easily
assimilable form when derived from living plants.

(4) SODIUM is an absolute necessity for optimum health. Sodium is responsible
for maintaining fluid balance, regulating the circulatory system, and normalizing
nerve impulses.

(5) The body needs only about 250 mg of SODIUM each day in order to carry
out the above functions.

(6) CHLORIDE controls diffusion and the exchange of new and worn-out material
in the cells.

(7) SODIUM occurs naturally and in adequate amounts in the LIVING plants and
the LIVING vegetable juices of The Hallelujah Diet as well as in Unrefined Sea
Salt. (NOTE: Just a few of the sources of easy to assimilate sodium would
include a 3 ounce serving of: Beets, 60mgs; Celery, 125mgs; Figs (dried),
35mgs; Kale, 75mgs; Sesame Seeds, 60mgs; Sunflower Seeds, 30mgs; Red
Peppers, 10mgs; Radishes, 18mgs; Raisins, 27mgs; Spinach, 70mgs.)

(8) SODIUM and CHLORIDE in a water-soluble and easy to assimilate form
contribute to our health.

***Now let's compare the positive attributes of sodium and chloride as found in
the LIVING plants and UNREFILNED SEA SALT above, with the negative effects
of sodium and chloride when that sodium and chloride enters the body in the

(1) REFINED TABLE SALT is a toxic compound formed by industrial processing
that strips out all of the other 80 some naturally occurring elements. It is dried at
over 1200 degrees Fahrenheit and toxic chemicals are added to prevent the
refined white salt from absorbing moisture and to keep it free flowing.

(2) REFINED TABLE SALT is found in most processed foods.

(3) REFINED TABLE SALT is almost totally unusable by the body, and in this
basically unassimilable form, acts as a protoplasmic poison within the body.

(4) REFINDED TABLE SALT is toxic to the body and responsible for upsetting
the fluid balance, debilitating the circulatory system, and aggravating a number of  46
salt pathologies. (NOTE: One ounce of ingested table salt will cause the body to
seize and hold 3 quarts of water - or 6 pounds of excess bodily water and fluids -
in an effort to dilute this extremely toxic substance. Recently, an overweight
person told me they lost 22 pounds their first week on The Hallelujah Diet.
Explanation: The body was releasing the water it was retaining to keep that toxic
sodium and chloride in suspension.)

(5) THE AVERAGE PERSON consuming the Standard American Diet (SAD)
consumes anywhere from 4,000 to 10,000 mg of SODIUM CHLORIDE daily from
Refined Table Salt. (NOTE: Sources would include: Can of Diet Soda, 550mgs; 6
oz serving bottled vegetable juice, 555mgs; 2 slices of bread, 1090mgs; 1.5 oz
natural cheese, 593mgs; 1 tbs. salad dressing, 333mgs; 10oz. canned soup,
1547mgs; hamburger, 800mgs; 1 serving scramble egg and sausage, 1411mgs;
quarter pound cheeseburger, 1950 mgs; 4 oz. frozen fish, 1080mgs; 2 oz. ham,
1578mgs; 1 oz. potato chips, 300mgs; Mexican style frozen dinner, 2,300mgs;
frozen pizza, 1389mgs.)

(6) REFINED TABLE SALT is highly addictive and is disease promoting. (NOTE:
Even with all the sodium contained in manufactured foods, many people will add
more salt to their food from a saltshaker. Often, when people adopt The
Hallelujah Diet, they say the food doesn't have much flavor. That is because their
taste buds have been dulled by their previous use of table salt. Fortunately, on a
basically LIVING foods diet, the cells of the taste buds will rebuild in about 2-
weeks, and the raw foods will start to taste wonderful.)

(7) REFINED TABLE SALT either contributes to or aggravates a host of salt
sicknesses, including but not limited to: edema, obesity, hypertension, coronary
heart disease, myocardial infarction, angina pectoris, stroke, congestive heart
failure, kidney failure, PMS, manic-depression, and the list goes on.

PRESSURE. Many, if not most, could be off blood pressure medicine and
experiencing normal blood pressure if they would simply eliminate REFINED
TABLE SALT from their diets. (NOTE: Fairly recently, this editor ate at the salad
bar of a local restaurant, consuming nothing more than the raw vegetables for a
salad, some potato salad and coleslaw, a piece of corn bread, and some cooked
vegetables with a baked potato. The next morning, my blood pressure was
190/92. Within 2-days, strictly on The Hallelujah Diet, being careful to avoid all
sources of REFINED TABLE SALT, my blood pressure was back to normal. This
experience caused me to wonder if my stroke in 2001 was because of stress or
possibly because I had inadvertently consumed a lot of refined table salt the day

To summarize, Refined Table Salt is the fourth most prevalent cause or
contributing cause of the physical problems being experienced today. Refined
Table Salt is DEAD and FIBERLESS, and along with animal source foods,  47
refined sugar, and refined grains, the most popular deadly, KILLER foods of our

Monday, March 3, 2014

motivation factor

On cold days like today there's nothing better than setting a goal working out for an hour and making it happen, headed new strength call it a new weight loss goal, and commit to your new a life you only feel healthier and you surely have more time for others!

Saturday, March 1, 2014

Week 1 ABS

To keep up on the abdominal's make sure to start with some exercises that are not too hard, repeat this series of AB's 3 times at least 2-3 times a week to start to build a core that can go into a high intensity interval training session for weight loss.

Watch and enjoy!